Business Insurance Bad Luck Cases 5 and 6 (Sarasota, FL)

What insurance does a small business actually need? Much of a business’s success depends on how well it can overcome obstacles. Our agency is here to help guide you through the perils that you likely don’t anticipate.

Bad Luck Case Number 5: After all the adversity that ACME Inc. had been going through the past few months, the team’s morale was understandably shaken.

In an attempt to help lighten things up, Buzz, one of the managers, thought it would be a good idea to inject more of his unique brand of humor at the office.

The company soon learned that Buzz’s off-color jokes were deemed to be inappropriate and offensive by a coworker. Damages from that lawsuit would have been covered with employment practices, liability insurance up to policy limits.

Bad Luck Case Number 6: The team at ACME Inc. was now in complete disarray. In fact, one of the original founders, Sally, was so shaken up that she went jogging at night without her usual reflective gear. On a curvy road near her home, she was hit by a car and soon passed away from her injuries.

Sally was off in the face of the company and was also responsible for managing the relationship with many of their biggest clients. Before long, several left for competitors.

Although no policy could replace Sally, a key man life insurance policy would have at least provided money to fill the gap from the revenue shortage due to the loss of clients and allowed some more time for ACME to recover and find an adequate replacement to fill Sally’s shoes.

Can you see how some variation of these examples could be applied to your business?

Overwhelmed? No worries. We’ll guide you through the types of policies that best fit your specific business and what limits make the most sense for each.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (941) 706-4758 or visit